Update: It’s been 6 years..

Hello! It’s been five years since the last blog on this site! I am Nicki and I am way older than since you last saw me. I plan to bring this blog back to life. Anyways, we are actually in Canberra, Australia for four years! Moms got an Australian National University (ANU) PHD Scholarship. Us kids we are studying here. Gotta be honest, Canberra is so beautiful. It’s easy to get to places. There’s nature everywhere. The people here are friendly. The school system is great too. But, it is COLD. It’s winter right now. Yeah, Australia’s weather is the opposite of the Philippines right now. Mom and Dad wear heaps of layers but me and my brother only need one layer. We can survive in this cold. Having to wear less clothes saves laundry too right? (hehehehehe)

Mom is in Chicago right now for A business trip. She’ll be coming back this week by the way.

Well that’s all for now, goodbye and see ya! 🙂

Laser Tag later today!

I’m taking my son to Laser Maxx today to play laser tag with a bunch of my friends from the church in Greenhills that we attend.

Daddy Dates are so important, and this one is really exciting for both of us, because we really enjoy laser tag! 🙂

I can’t take my son to the October 12 Wilson Phillips Live in Manila concert, so this’ll have to do! LOL

Discovering Welch’s Anew

I recently met up with a friend, Aida, and her colleagues who enlightened me about a product I have known for many years–Welch’s grape juice. As a Filipino-Chinese mother, I was extremely familiar with Welch’s since this grape juice has been a preferred juice brand among us local Chinese. I remember my grandparents, parents, uncles and aunties purchasing bottles of Welch’s for our family. I even received Welch’s as gifts after I gave birth. Continue reading →

Happy Father’s Day to our Deen Daddy Superhero!

In our church, Victory Greenhills, we have a lot of volunteer ministries where members can serve. Looking through a vintage Volunteer weekend campaign called “Who Wants to Be a Superhero?” inspired me to write this Father’s Day tribute to Deen family hero, Daddy Ganns! Continue reading →

Toycon Philippines 2012

My mom and I went to the opening of the 11th Philippines Toys, Hobbies and Collectibles Convention at the Megatrade Hall, SM Megamall today. Why did we go? Well, my mom had to do some work. The college she works for has a booth there.

I had a great time looking at the different toys and I was able to buy a cheap Pokemon marble shooter. My mom also got a really cool doll camp for Nicki for only 200 bucks!

Check out some of our photos from the convention. If you love toys, I suggest you visit this awesome convention. They are open until Sunday so don’t miss out on the fun! I plan to go back again. =) Continue reading →

Nicki’s Favorite iPad Games (as of June 8, 2012)

I am Nicki. I am almost 5 years old. These are my three favorite iPad games.


1. Dollhouse – I like “Dollhouse” because I am good at cleaning the house. I also like the mini games inside the house like cupcakes and alphabets.

2. Toki Tori – I like Toki Tori because I am good at fighting the monsters and going to the egg.

Temple Run

3. Temple Run – I like Temple Run because I am good at helping people run and jump. This is an exciting game.

Nathan’s Top 5 Favorite iPad Games (as of June 8, 2012)

I recently wrote about Smurf Village. Now, I want to share my top 5 favorite iPad games. Nicki will also share her top 3 in another post. Here they are!

These are the talking friends, Tom, Ben, Angela and Gina.

1. Talking Friends – I like this game because it has lots of fun stuff and copies my voice in a funny way. I recommend this game for other kids. My favorite talking friend is Tomcat but my sister likes Gina the giraffe.

Airport Mania

2. Airport Mania – This is my fave game because it’s fun and challenging and you get to know about different sorts of planes. I recommend this game for smart people.

Puffle Launch

3. Puffle Launch – Puffle Launch was inspired by the popular online game for kids called Club Penguin. I recommend this game for people who like Club Penguin like me! Hahaha! In Puffle Launch, you tap the puffles to launch to the direction the cannon is pointing at. The rest of the cannons will be a surprise.

Snoopy Street Fair lovin it!

4. Snoopy Street Fair – Also from Beeline, Snoopy Street Fair is similar to Smurf Village which I talked about before. I recommend this game for those who like Snoopy and the whole Peanut gang. In Snoopy Street Fair, you build and create a fair to collect money. What I like about this is that you can read what the customers are thinking by tapping their clouds. If only this were true in real life, we will be able to read people’s minds! Hahahaha!

Where’s my water? Swampy’s here!

5. Where’s My Water? – I like this game because it is challenging and it has a lot of levels. In this game, you dig to guide the water to the pipe to Swampy’s shower. The update of the game has two new sets of levels. The first one is “Cranky Story” and the second one is “The Lost Levels”. I hope you have fun! I recommend this game for ages 6 or higher.

Waiting for Jayesslee

Nathan and I are excited to see Jayesslee when they visit Manila for an intimate show at Robinson’s Pioneer Forum on June 21. I recently wrote about Jayesslee and their YouTube success on my Yahoo! OMG! oK Pop blog. These talented twins became a YouTube sensation after releasing their cover version of Tamia’s “Officially Missing You”. Nathan became a fan after he saw them perform Jason Mraz’s “I Won’t Give Up”. What we love more is that they also love Jesus! Read their testimony here. Continue reading →

Congratulations, Doctor Mommy!

Today, we’re celebrating Caths’ recent doctorate degree with a dinner at one of the more popular Chinese restaurants in town.

We’ve invited more than 60 people to join us as we honor Caths and her parents for completing a rare Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Management.

As if being wife, mother, admissions director, K-pop writer, and all-around superwoman weren’t enough. Now she’s a doctor! Truly a Proverbs 31 woman, that’s my Caths.

Congratulations, Doctor Mommy!

Nesquik, baby!

I enjoyed this so much when I was a kid! Can’t wait to introduce my children to it!